About Me

Hi I’m LaDonnia,

As far back as I can remember, I have always had an interest in the human body and how it functions. I began taking classes to learn medical terminology and human anatomy in the hopes of using this to begin my career in the medical field. But soon I realized that the work I was doing in the medical field was not enough to satisfy my God-given passion to help others. I really wanted to connect with women and be a motivating and encouraging force to them by sharing information that would impact their quality of life.  Then, a turning point happened in my own life that led me to the holistic health world. I began to experience health issues that although I was following the physician’s recommendations, my symptoms would either improve for a short time or they would not improve at all.  As time went on, my health deteriorated even more and began to negatively impact my daily activities. I became increasingly frustrated with my quality of life.  I knew I had to do something different but had no direction as to what changes needed to be made. I began to use my medical knowledge to look for answers to my decreasing health. I found the answers right on my plate; the underlying reason I was having health issues were the foods I was eating.  When I began to eat the right foods for my body, the transformation of my health started happening. My passion to help other women like myself became even stronger as my health started to improve. I knew I had to share what I was learning with other women. I wanted everyone I came in contact with to experience the freedom I had gained by discovering the right foods to eat to become the “New and Healthier Me.”  My desire to use what I have learned to motivate others to develop healthier eating habits prompted me to attend the Institute for Integrated Nutrition, where I obtained my certification as a Health Coach and a Hormone Health Specialist. With the love and support of my husband Sam, my three kids; Nathan, Monaye and Tamaira, my mother Donnia and many other family and friends I have been blessed to create Whole Healthy Living. Using my health programs of Whole Healthy Living, I have an opportunity to share with women I come in contact with how to transform their lives by teaching them the nutritional foods to eat for their bodies.The holistic health industry is ever growing, so I am always striving to continue my education and keep up with the most current information available regarding health and wellness so I can teach this information to my clients.I would like to partner with you on your health journey and watch this exciting transformation happen in your life.

LaDonnia H.


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What I Do for Healthy Nutrition?